December is fast approaching and people are already busy lighting fireworks. Super fun, but for the average dog this is really no fun at all. In fact, dogs can be very afraid of this. It is also good to realize that the dog’s perception of the world is very different from that of humans. The wavelength of sound perception is different and smell is also perceived differently. That is why we have listed the most important tips for dog owners to help their dogs as much as possible during New Year’s Eve.

Tip 1. Do not let the dog run loose outside during the fireworks period.
This sounds very logical, but we often see that people let their dogs run free during this period, while a little further away children are already setting off firecrackers. You can probably imagine that if this happens unexpectedly or too close, your dog can be very frightened! There is a good chance that your dog will then run away. So safety first. If you want to take a walk with a dog off line, make sure you go to an area where fireworks are not being set off. That said, we recommend that you leave your dog on a leash at all times on New Year’s Eve.
Tip 2. Go with your dog and don’t force your dog into a fearful situation

The fireworks have been lit. Your dog is afraid. What do you do? If your dog wants to leave the situation, you go with him. Fear is an emotion and cannot be strengthened if you give in to it. The dog is simply afraid. So if your dog wants to go home that is okay. Just go with your dog.
Tip 3. Reduce external stimuli On New Year’s Eve
It is important to reduce the amount of outside stimuli (sounds and sights) as much as possible. As mentioned earlier, dogs hear more than us, but you can of course ensure that there is a focus on other sounds. Such as: the TV or the radio. Close the curtains! It ensures that the dog does not see unexpected flashes of light.
Tip 4. Safe place in the house
It is of course nice for every dog if they have a safe place in the house where they can retreat and will not be disturbed. For example, Zoë, one of our dogs, has her hiding place under the couch. She also uses this regularly. We don’t disturb her at such a moment. This is her place and no one comes here. This is also important to remember. If your dog goes to such a place, give the dog space and do not disturb your dog. Is your dog sleeping? Let your dog sleep and do not disturb.

Tip 5. Give your dog something to do

For example sniffing makes a dog mentally tired. Why? Normally a dog breathes 15 to 30 times per minute at rest. However, the sniffing breath is 140 to 200 times per minute. A dog has to work hard to keep this up! In addition, the sniffing breath occurs separately from normal breathing, so the dog’s heart rate decreases and the dog relaxes. So sniffing is always useful. You can offer the food that normally goes in the food bowl in a sniffing mat. Another activity is, for example, a kong filled with something tasty or a bone that the dog can enjoy.
Tip 6. Thundershirt
What is a thundershirt? This is a shirt that provides constant gentle pressure. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system, associated with rest. A similar thing is also used with newborn babies (swaddling). Vets often recommend using a thundershirt during the fireworks period.
Tip 7. Supplements
Supplements here mean natural remedies. Here we discuss Adaptil and Zylkene. Adaptil is a synthetic pheromone that mimics a natural pheromone that is normally released in lactating mother dogs shortly after the birth of the puppies. Research has shown that this pheromone has a reassuring effect on puppies. Adaptil mimics this effect and is available in the form of a home diffuser, a collar and tablets.
Zylkène contains a substance that comes from the milk protein casein. It gives a relaxed feeling, without being drowsy. It is available from the vet as capsules and chewable tablets.
Tip 8. Behavioral therapist for severe fireworks anxiety
This is the tip for after New Year’s Eve. Have you noticed that your dog is extremely afraid and that the fear was almost impossible to handle? Do you want help with this fear? Then ask a consult with a dog behavior therapist and do this at the beginning of the new year, so that you are not faced with an unpleasant surprise next year! Recognized behavioral therapists are affiliated with the NVGH or SPPD